so, you want to play porchfest?
Visit this private Facebook group, which is used by musicians and hosts looking to make connections for Milford Porchfest.
We are a 100% volunteer organization and thus need to run this in a "DIY" manner using this group where the community drives the event.
Musicians seeking porches: make your pitch to prospective hosts and post any relevant information about your band including sample videos and audio and times available to perform.
Once a match has been made, either the musician or the host should email by the September 1, 2022 deadline with the following information:
Musician: Band Name, Contact name, Contact phone, Contact email, Hours available to perform, Web or social media link and Band description for marketing
Host: Host name, Host address, Host email, Host phone, Hours available to host, Time slot agreed with band to host
After the above information in its entirety is received, you will be contacted by an area co-captain to finalize your placement on the schedule